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Once upon a time, there was a guy from Seattle named Josh. Josh walked through SeaTac Airport while flying to New York City, and had this thought: “Why do they sell snow globes in Seattle when it rains more than it snows? It rains more than it snows most places!” He put this concept to his buddy Fred, who thought Josh asked an excellent question. Josh continued, “Imagine creating a RainGlobe instead of a snow globe… wouldn’t everyone want one of those?”
Thus began Fred’s multi-year process to invent rain in a globe. Toothpicks were involved. So was Tupperware. So was duct tape, because duct tape is always involved in inventions. Finally, Fred figured out a way to make it rain, and prototype number one was born. Problem was: it was ugly.
Fortunately, Fred was high school friends with Scott, and Scott knew people who knew people. A talented and creative investor and start-up business guru, Scott was the first investor in RainGlobes. The pieces all came together when Fred sat next to a charming guy named Jeremy on an airplane. Jeremy and Fred struck up a conversation, and Jeremy said, “I design fancy plastic components.” Jeremy took Fred’s duct-taped prototype and made it pretty. Now, RainGlobes are officially Patent Number 8,056,274 and the boys are officially inventors, which their families think is pretty fancy.
Thanks for your support of our small company in Seattle - it means a lot!
Sincerely, Scott, Josh, and Fred
The RainGlobes Team
Select Locations
85 S Atlantic St, Seattle, WA 98134
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Before returning a RainGlobe to a retailer, please contact the RainGlobes team. We’ll see what we can do to help.
Exchanges are accepted within 12 months of the date of purchase. Proof of purchase is required.